Send E-mail via Linux Command (Ubuntu Based)

Sometimes, we need to send email via command lines, specifically for cron jobs or bash scripts. Message and results can be sent automatically when tasks are finished. One of most popular mailing tools is gnu mailutils. Below are the brief steps to install and use mailutils.

1. install the packages:

sudo apt-get install mailutils

sudo apt-get install sharutils (if you’d like to send attachments)

In the progress, one exim4 configuration screen will be prompted out. Continue reading

MacSim — Trace Generation

MacSim provides x86 trace generator to get the CPU traces. However, it is not a piece of cake to use it. Here are the steps and some tips.

  1. c++0x is required;
  2. sudo apt-get install  ia32-libs
  3. LINUX 3 is NOT supported, must use 2.x (do NOT use ubuntu 12.04, ubuntu 10.04 was tested successfully);
  4. git should be installed to compile macsim (no git package can be found under ubuntu 10.04, plz refer this article to install), and blow are the brief steps: Continue reading

MacSim-DRAMSim2 (Ubuntu12.04)

MacSim is a heterogeneous architecture simulator, which is trace-driven and cycle-level. It thoroughly models architectural behaviors, including detailed pipeline stages, multi-threading, and memory systems. It can simulate homogeneous ISA multicore simulations as well as heterogeneous ISA multicore simulations. [1]. And, DRAMSim2 is a cycle accurate model of a DRAM memory controller, the DRAM modules which comprise system storage, and the buses by which they communicate [2]. What’s good is that they two can be combined together to achieve high-quality simulation results. And, the authors have already finished the combination. Below are the steps to run MacSim and DRAMSim2 integration: Continue reading

Manifold-Zesto Tester with CppUnit (Ubuntu 12.04)

Zesto directory has one subdirectory named “test” which contains test cases for different Zesto cores. We can safely test Zesto here with running the testers.

(1) install the required CppUnit (v1.12.1) cppunit-1.12.1.tar.gz

(2) tar xvf cppunit-1.12.1.tar.gz

(3) cd cppunit-1.12.1

(3) follow the ‘INSTALL’ file to continue

  • $ ./configure LDFLAGS=’-ldl’ [or try ./configure CC=’g++’ if the error happens that C compiler cannot create executables] Continue reading

Installation Steps of Manifold (ubuntu 12.04)

Manifold is a parallel discrete  event simulation  framework designed for the simulation of modern multicore computer architectures. Manifold repository currently provides the following models:

  • Zesto: an Out-of-Order and in-order core model
  • MCP-cache: a coherent cache model
  • Iris: a flit-level interconnection network model
  • CaffDRAM: a DRAM and memory controller model
  • QSim: a multicore emulator based on QEMU to be used as a front-end for Manifold timing models.

BTW, if you are considering using Zesto x86 simulator, then you can forget it since it is no longer available because of the SimpleScalar licence. Other candidates are Manifold here by GaTech,  XIOSim by Harvard and SST-Simulator by Sandia National Laboratories. All are designed based on Zesto or include Zesto as a component. However, XIOSim claims it is an in-order one and it has a strict requirement of GCC (4.5+); and SST-Simulator is a too comprehensive toolset which may overmatch your goals. Hence, Manifold is likely to be a good choice. Continue reading

Run SimPoint with PinPoints

SimPoint is a simulation analysis tool designed to find the ideal simulation points in applications. The SimPoint analysis has two main steps:

  • (1) takes a program for input, and returns a basic block profiles of the execution of the program;
  • (2) analyzes the basic block profile and returns the ideal simulation point, and the duration of initialization phase.

Therefore, to use SimPoint we should first create a frequency vector profile, e.g. a basic block file *.bb, for the program we are interested in finding simulation points for. Fortunately, the authors of UCSD provided two BBTracker tools, ATOM BBV Tracker and SimpleScaler BBV Tracker. However, these two tools cannot be used directly since required tools like ATOM and SimpleScalar should be installed first. Thanks to BBV Research guys from Cornell University, several tools including qemu_bbv and dynsim can be got hereContinue reading